Friday, September 11


Even though I have a car that I could use to get from my house in Alexandria to work in Rockville, MD ( which is over an hour long commute -- On a good day.) I chose to save gas money, and my car by taking the metro. When I was asked by my future employers and people involved in Americorps, about my method of transportation I got the same response every time. The Metro? But how long will that take?  Each time I responded with the same, "about 2 hours." And each time the only response was a loud gasp.

Here is the resolution I came to about my long commute:
Yes, it is a very long ride. But it is a much calmer ride, on most days, than sitting in Northern Va/ DC/ Southern MD traffic. Taking the metro saves gas money, and the cost of car maintenance.

So I took up reading. Even before I started my Americorps service I was taking the metro into DC every day for an internship. I read more than 6 books over the summer. I also noticed the possibilities of things that can be accomplished while on the metro over driving in a car. I could do things for work on the metro, If I had the capabilities, I could check email and play on the internet. And of course I could also catch up on sleep.

So, in conclusion, whenever possible public transportation is always the way to go.

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